So it's been a few weeks since I last updated. It's hard to keep up with time here which can be a good and bad thing. I get extremely sad when I think about leaving this place in two weeks but extremely excited to be back home and at school. But I will talk about some things I've been learning in the last couple of weeks here at Summer Project.
1. The Church- Week 5 at SP was on the church. I basically learned about how important the church is in a believers life. It is essential to surround yourself with fellow believers and to come together to praise God as one body. It is also important to get involved and use the talents God has blessed you with to serve the church which ultimately serves Christ and glorifies God.
2. Perseverance- Week 6 at SP was on perseverance and it couldn't have come at a better time. Week 6 was a hard week for me as I was beginning to grow tired physically and drained spiritually. It is such a blessing to know that I serve a God that is there to hold me when I am tired and to grow me in weakness. Learning to fight the good fight knowing that I will be persecuted was such a great reminder of the gospel and how much the Lord did for me so that I could live for Him.
3. Biblical Womanhood- WOW. That basically sums up week 7 for me. Biblical womanhood was incredibly amazing to learn about and I grew a lot in the past week just learning about my role as a woman.
I don't even know what else to say except that I continue to be overwhelmed with the gospel. God is continuing to reveal himself to me and I am utterly so very thankful to be here! I'll leave you with this: "And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to here from the Lord." Luke 1:45. I am learning to become fully content in the Lord and allow him to fulfill me. I want my cup to run over with Him and I want to be completely fine with who I am in the Lord.