Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Project: Week 1

A week of Summer Project has come and gone and I feel more “rooted” in Christ than I ever have.  This place is amazing and I am so thankful to have gotten the opportunity to come here and spend a summer in the son :) For those of you who don’t know what Summer Project is, I decided to write a blog for the summer; so that you can keep up with all that is going on in my life.  So here it begins:

I arrived at Summer Project not understanding the Gospel.  Of course, if you would have asked me before if I was a Christian or understood the Gospel, I would have most definitely said yes; but being here, surrounded by people who love Jesus and want more of him made me realize that I didn’t know the Gospel at all. I was simply pretending to know what the Gospel was and continuing to live my life, my way.  After a week here in classy Sandusky, my eyes have been opened to the greatness of the Gospel and I feel as if I’ll never be the same. 

The first step in this journey was realizing that I didn’t understand the Gospel.  It’s really easy for Christians to get caught up in what the “Gospel” means and therefore we neglect to ever see the truth behind its meaning.  It simply means “The Good News.”  And that good news being that while we were sinners God send his ONLY son to DIE for a bunch of people who would in return deny him time and time again.  BUT his wonderful, amazing, unfailing love covers us sinners and God now sees us as perfect.  If this isn’t good news to you, then I don’t know what would be.  Being reminded of this truth this first week here has made me realize why I always end up running back to God’s arms after I’ve turned away for awhile; because how could you not want to love someone that loves you as much as God does!?  If I had a child, I couldn’t imagine giving them away or sending them to get hurt or die.  I can’t comprehend how big God’s love is for me. 

I wish I could write everything that I have learned this week but there has been so much that it would take me a million years to type it all out.  I am anxious to see what the rest of the summer holds and to see what God is going to do in my heart, mind and life.  I can only imagine that it will continue getting better and I hope to keep you updated as best as I can.  I pray that this is the beginning of an awesome journey with God and that it doesn’t stop here but would continue with me when I leave, and I don’t even want to start thinking about leaving yet. 

6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

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